Sunday, April 24, 2011

A surgeon's touch

I needed a button sewn on my jacket and my brother in law Nick had just the right touch!
So fun to see these guys.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Happy Passover. I was invited to a Jewish Passover dinner. We didn't use the traditional Maxwell House Haggadah, but a 'Passover-light' alternative.
Each person had a ziploc bag of plague under your chair. When it was your turn, you threw your items. Many items ended up in drinking glasses- I think the items all came from Oriental Trading catalog. We even had a visit from Elijah!
It was very fun.

Monday, April 18, 2011


It's a little rainy today. As I was walking to school I saw a few snails. It gave me great pleasure to end their lives. Then unfortunately, I realized I was at snail birthing central and the ground was littered with hundreds of tiny snails!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Building friday

The building is rapidly progressing. As is time- my first of 4 finals is tomorrow morning! Then I have them every other day til next Friday.
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This is what happens when I wait too long to eat...

I eat everything I can get my hands on!! This is a Persian restaurant right by my house and school. I went with Grace and we were the only females there and judging by the service, I don't think we were very welcome there.
But the food was great.
But I was so full I went home and went to bed at about 8:30.

Friday, April 8, 2011

You're all I need... To get by.

Shout out to the late greats Marvin Gaye and Tammie Terrell!

Never pick gray

This is the finished color of the new paint job in my apartment building. Isn't it nice that the color so closely resembles Sheetrock;)
Kudos to my aunt Cyndie who taught me to never pick grays- always pick tans.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


My mom, dad, Vinny and Owen paid me a quick visit:) They are headed to Legoland and sadly, I don't actually have time to go with them.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Extraordinary desserts

I paid $35 for dessert for me and three others with a professor from a school auction.
What we got was me plus four, dinner and desserts with the professor at extraordinary desserts for a grand total, professor paying, of around $150:)
My dessert with a bread pudding with meringue.
Come see me and I'll take you there.
Oh, and I'm pleased to announce I'm back on the diet coke wagon. The caffeine makes me shake a little but I'm sure I'll adjust.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Not an April fools joke

Well, I think I skated through March without breaking any dishes. I'm happy to report April's dish has taken care of itself.

Three floors done!

Soon enough the hammering will be done:)