Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bike is gone!

Tim sold his bike. This is the second happiest day of his life.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Quick stop Chicago

This is what I worked on during the flight. I have no idea what I'm
doing so it's good the picture doesn't have too much detail. Liz
should be checked in by now.

His favorite seat!

We made it to airport and onto plane. Liz made it back to hotel for a
few hours before checkin at Disney. She seemed pretty good and excited.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Home sweet home.

Costco is the same around the world.

Only 260 miles left!

We are somewhere in southern Georgia. Dad's driving until people start
calling then I'll drive. Liz has been reading harry potter 6. Hoping
to find a gator farm.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

At tims uncles

We stopped for fifteen minutes at tim's maternal uncle's house passing
through Atlanta.
We have driven 619 miles and are staying in Macon Georgia.

Carbon city il

Stopped for lunch in this coal town. We are the only ones at fazolis
not in church clothes. Only 430 miles to dicaros!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Home safe and sound.

Bret made it through surgery and came out with a plate in his wrist
and pin in his elbow. Welcome home!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Bret update: wrist surgery later this week.

Bret is lucky to be alive. He purchased a new Harley Davidson, after completing the motorcycle safety class, Monday at 4pm. Because Bret was new on a bike, he and his friends took the 'back roads' home. Which meant going up Provo Canyon, coming down Parley's. At about 2300 East, Westbound on I-80 in the fast lane going around 70 mph, he got into some gravel and panicked. He braked, lost control and hit the K-rail while still on the bike. Still upright, he knew he wasn't going to regain control (there was a car following very closely behind him that attributed to the panicking) and made the decision to lay the bike down - which is the best option, as opposed to flying through the air. He skidded (probably quite far) then rolled and found himself in the center lane of the freeway. Luckily, he never lost consciousness and jumped up and ran to the center K-rail.
His 'friend' was riding in front of him and saw a cloud of dust in his mirror. He pulled over and ran back to find Bret sitting on the K-rail banged up. A woman had stopped just short of running the bike over and offered to take him to the hospital. Instead, they waited another 15 minutes for the ambulance to arrive.
Once at the hospital, the first did a CT Scan which miraculously, didn't show any head trauma. Then the did xrays on his left arm, without very much pain meds, and he said it was excruciatingly painful. They tried poking him about 10 times in his hand to do a nerve block but his hand was too swollen. They did conscious sedation and got the wrist in a more natural position and splinted it.
As of this morning, he thought hwas coming home today and would have surgery later this week once swelling has subsided. He has a broken third metatarsel (ring-finger bone in hand, not finger), index finger at second knuckle cut down to bone which they cleaned out but didn't stitch fully up yet, a dislocated elbow to some degree or something, and wrist that's in many pieces.
The ER doc said the hand specialist will put a pin in his hand, a plate on the underside of his wrist, and probably a pin in his elbow.
Luckily, although he didn't have health insurance, there is some he can get coverage but he'll have to have his surgery at an IHC Hospital.

Bret was lucky to be wearing gloves, steel-toed boots which easily saved his foot, long pants, a helmet, and jacket.

Bret crashed

Broken wrist. Surgery in morning. Finger cut up.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cheap car rental

The car was cheaper to return in los angeles so we dropped it here! We
put over 500 miles on it for less than $100. That's like $.02/mile?
Crazy cheap.

I'm at my other home!

We had a boudin chowder bowl for dinner and some other rides that had
no lines!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My road trip Harley...the dog not the bike.

I was recently looking at my cousin's blog and they've dubbed their Yorkie 'Road Trip Harvey.' So, I thought I would put a picture up of our 'Road Trip Harley' who is also called itty bitty sometimes. He can be a good dog, occasionally. Tim for the most part dislikes him. It may have something to do with the pooping in the laundry room, barking at deer at 2 am, his incessant chasing of toys, or the barking at the front door. Despite his shortfalls, he's always up for a trip. Whether a quick trip to Corner 22 for a big gulp or a ride to Ogden for work. Plus, as a side note, he's much easier to get in the Beetle than Maggie - she weighs 50 lbs., ten times that of Harley.

Monday, April 6, 2009

RRROOOOoooooaaaarrrrr: Giant snow cat!

This is a Prinoth 500 snowcat. One of only six in the world. Solitude gets it this week as
a demo. The thing is absolutely ginormous! What usually takes us about three hours to load, deliver, and unload, took over six with this thing. Think of me each time you ski because a snowcat would have groomed the snow.