Saturday, July 25, 2009

Almost home: update on that minivan I had towed

Just passing lagoon. This house belonged to sam and shari stone in
rexburg Idaho.

Remember the van I broke down two weeks ago on busy Friday? Well, they
called for a ride home and I mentioned it. They said, 'oh, we forgot
to tell you that you have to pull the turn signal towards you. It's a
security feauture.' I think whoever they bought it from didn't want to
fix it. And we have to pick them up tomorrow. I am sooooo done with
charity. They did offer to pay for the tow. Grrrrrrrr


Doug said...

Linette says,"Get over it, get over it"!*
*Don Henly song by the same name.

Hernan+ said...

"Charity never faileth"