Friday, July 31, 2009

Headed to Vermont

I'm at the airport flying to meet my parents in Manchester NH.
I'm soooo excited- TLC's Shark Week is back starting Sunday! It's
basically a week of great tv. Bye!

Property control

This is where they sell damaged stuff and old stuff. Liz wouldn't buy
this cute dress.

Hanging out today.

We were going to see the space shuttle but it got canceled because of
rain. Then, this morning it ended landing but we were still alseep
recovering from our wild days.
Lizs apartment was very nice. We are headed for lunch at the
Polynesian resort.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dining plan

Today Liz tricked us into not using all of our quick service meals and
is trying to talk us into cashing them in for extra snacks.
But then I figured out it's part if her compulsive hoarding. So, we
told her no more Carol Bloomfielding with the meal coupons for hecks


A snail found it's way to Disneyworld. It's been sprinkling for a few
hours. We are hoping rain stops so we can watch the space shuttle land
if Friday at Cape Canaveral. As much as I hate space stuff, I'm really
hoping that we can see it.
We are having a fabulous time and the four if us mesh extremely well.
Wish all y'all were with us!

In line for toy story

Raining hard. Wet and cold in line.


American idol at Hollywood studios


We r in the bowling building with lady and the tramp. Just finished a
delightful night and now we r headed to Hollywood studios for a late

Lion king circus

Third time's the charm!

Bread pudding delish!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Iizs work

Star crossed lovers

This lady on our flight was meeting this guy after 43 years apart from
each other. We walked down the terminal with her to take thier
picture. He's from Alaska and she's from Oklahoma. They were just

Sadak at st Louis

Lunch and eyebrows with Henry

St Louis layover with Henry

Getting our eyebrows threaded.
Not Henry though.

Off to Florida!!

Lu told another passenger her 'employer' was flying her to Florida.
The man then told her, " I hope it's not a man and I hope your not his
Me steven sellers and lulu redd are headed to see lizzy.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Buy a bulldog, support your vet.

Maggie came in from an evening in the backyard with Caesar with thus
odd injury in her nose. I think something clawed her through the
fence. She shouldn't need any medical care but being a bulldog, I'm
sure it will escalate. The claws would have to be from something
small, cat, rat, small dog ( not Harley).
Please leave any medical advice or accusations! Thx.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Almost home: update on that minivan I had towed

Just passing lagoon. This house belonged to sam and shari stone in
rexburg Idaho.

Remember the van I broke down two weeks ago on busy Friday? Well, they
called for a ride home and I mentioned it. They said, 'oh, we forgot
to tell you that you have to pull the turn signal towards you. It's a
security feauture.' I think whoever they bought it from didn't want to
fix it. And we have to pick them up tomorrow. I am sooooo done with
charity. They did offer to pay for the tow. Grrrrrrrr

Friday, July 24, 2009

Free hammer on off ramp

Dad jumped out (van was stopped) to get this hammer. It's almost as
good as the ones Linette bought at a garage sale then Harry and David
tried, unsuccessfully, to sell on craigslist.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The 1980's called.

That's right folks. That's carol Mikita giving vinny candy. I told him
he will need to take it home and carbon date it to make sure it's not
from the 1980s, like her hair.

Heat stroke

Sooooo hot at bountiful parade.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009


See the wedding cake? Well, that's cause it's in the oven. I'm
slightly behind, but it's alright.

Broken down at pcmc

Yep. I do a favor by taking a family in the ward to the airport in
their van, stop to see the shreeves, and the dumb thing won't stop.
AAA is on the way. Not a battery. Seriously? Today of all days?
Really. I mean, I have a wedding cake I'm supposed to have been
working on tonight ready for tomorrow!!!

Vincent shreeve is doing well.