So, here's a few things you may not know about me.
I moved to San Diego two days ago to start law school at California
Western in downtown SD. I can finish in as little as two years.
I'm single. Have been for about six months- sorry if this is how
you're finding that out.
I live three blocks from school so I just walk. I'm living with two
other female law students.
I've never lived with roommates.
My mom is watching my dog or giving her away....I don't know which.
I don't know how to grocery shop for one. Or cook for one.
I've never lived away from home.
I feel like I'm doing very well and already meeting fun people at school.
Come visit anytime:)
If you have to carry all those books to school every day, you will probably lose a kidney. I hope that's just your at-home library. Love, Toots
Wow, so many big changes! Law school sounds super ambitious! I don't think I could ever go back to school again. I'm waaaaay too lazy.
Next time you might want to try using to get your books. I like to scope out the bookstore and get the ISBNs for the books you need then bigwords searches all the book websites and tells you where you can get them for the cheapest, and it is a free service. Good luck!!
Those are changes! I'm excited for you though and know you'll ace law school. You are one talented girl. Enjoy your freedom.
San Diego is a great place to live! Enjoy yourself!!!!!
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