Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'll give you a real update instead of doing my homework.

So, law school is weird - you do homework everyday to learn new stuff, but then you re-hash your old stuff and 'outline' it so you can learn it all faster by condensing it. Well, you're supposed to anyway. I hate outlining and synthesizing class notes, study notes, tutoring notes, etc.
San Diego is very nice but I don't actually get to see much of it. I walk from my building to school and home and that's about it. If i'm feeling good in the mornings, I get up and go for a run before class.
I have a great group of girlfriends: Cassie from NY - young, blonde and pretty much my new bff; Kiley from LA - has giant curly black hair, likes to blog and run; and Grace from Palmsprings - latina, loves to bake and cook, and dedicated to etiquette and isn't afraid to tell you about it.
My other roommate moved in - her stuff was there for two months but she lived with a bad boyfriend. She finally got her game together and left. She's a 3L at another law school.
Finals are in a month so it's time to study. We are supposed to do 40 hours for each class - crazy huh!!?? I'm trying to be a better student and my three girlfriends are good about holding my hand and making me do homework with them.
And I want to go to Thailand inbetween my trimesters.

1 comment:

Liz said...

My favorite k8 post ever.