Friday, April 25, 2008

Why it's important to edit your grammar

Did I spell that right? There are a few times in life when spelling something correctly counts (fortunately, on this blog isn't one of them). I recently received an email from our friend David Sauter, with an indication that there was no conclusive evidence as to a cause for his wife's, our dear friend Rebekah, death. Something like long QT was most likely the culprit.
But, the grammatical error came here - "Nutshell, death was natural causes." My mom had quickly browsed the email and immediately googled 'nutshell death'. What he had really meant, was "In a nutshell, her death was..." Well, as the Internet would provide, there is a book called the Nutshell Studies, which my mom ordered from Amazon without reading the caption. Turns out, it's a set of case studies with dolls and mini houses some woman made in the 1950's. She designed miniature crime scenes, complete with blood splatter, then deciphered how the doll was killed. Check it out online or come see our copy soon. As per David's request, we're sending it up there so he can further investigate...crime scenes.

Check back at a future date and I will reveal how this woman, 'scene' above, was murdered.


Nick said...

She is on her back, right? It seems odd that the ice-box is open, but if she fell to where she is, she would have been facing the stove. Is there any blood?

Nick said...

Also, if she fell back-wards, she would have at least partially closed the ice-box door. Either she was moved, or the door was opened after her fall. Interesting.

Jo Ellen/Toots said...

LOL. Love, Toots

Unknown said...

Of course you yourself then wrote, "What he had really mean,..." when what you had really meant was, well, "meant". It looks like you are suggesting the husband was really mean. I can tell from the context of course that that is not what you mean, I mean meant. Har har. Your mom perhaps fell victim not so much to bad grammar as to modern texting-inspired abbreviations and shortened idioms like "nutshell" instead of "in a nutshell". Although the fact that she went on to order a book under that title without getting moreo information about either a. the death or b. the book all based on a random poorly worded quote is odd. (no offense to your mom).

Cousin Timmy said...
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Cousin Timmy said...

he turned off the gas at the meter and when the pilot lights went out, he turned the gas back on, filling the room with toxic methane gas. maybe??